Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Time’s Made with No Loss of Time

Valéry, hundred
Years ago or so,

No one cultivates
What cannot be made
Quickly. Not true then,

Untrue even now.
More people more speed,
But cultivation,

Like evolution,
Like a watershed,
Has many eddies

Where things swirl slowly.
Not doing something—
Now that’s a virtue,

And slow craft’s okay.
Nice things do get made.
But tin and plastic

And one-hit wonders
Of streaming fragments
Foam from Earth also.

Close to four billion
Years spun downstream now,
This moment’s making.

Somewhere, a small child
From Generation
No Attention Span

Labors days and days
To craft a cheat code
Or a dancing meme

For some collective
Enterprise that takes
Near endless patience.

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