Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Poet in the Papers

Let us live near each other,
Even though we’re far apart.
We live in a swirl of words,

So much more conversation,
For some of us, with language
Than with any other flesh,

So many people we know,
We only know, as language,
Streams and streams of sentences.

Every reading’s a seance,
In a sense, tuning voices
Coming from the great beyond.

Read the lines and imagine
The people and arguments
And laughter filling the head.

Today was a rash of think
Pieces about loneliness,
Widowhood, solitary

Living becoming common
Among the free, the confined
Living in solitary.

And so there are interviews,
And so we read the phrases
Of the people interviewed,

The disembodied language
We code as conversation.
So we live near each other.

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