Sunday, November 6, 2022

Meaning, Play by the Rules

How you respond to reports
That maybe bumblebees play,
That is, act playful with things

Given in experiments,
May range from a quirked eyebrow
To scoffing or to delight.

Your reaction is nothing
To do with the bumblebees
Nor even, as you may think,

With the science. You’re annoyed
Or mildly skeptical or
Over the moon about it

Based on what you think it means
And then on what you believe
It may mean for what you think

And how you feel about those
Implications for your views
As to whether your views win

This round or lose. The meaning
Of the implications of
The meanings of these results

For you mostly determines
How you react to the news
Bumblebees may play games, too.

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