Saturday, October 1, 2022

Rapture Anxiety

It’s a thing now, five decades
Later. Now, everything is
A thing, even the Rapture,

Which has never happened, won’t,
Can’t, ridiculous notion,
Absurd interpretation

Of a centuries-old dream
About what would happen next
In the Roman Empire’s east

Among seven cult churches
In Western Asia Minor
Quarreling amongst themselves.

There was no America,
Much less Americans raised
In terror of the Rapture,

Honed on tales of Left Behind,
When someone wrote instructions
In visionary language

To struggling communities.
What if it was a genre
More akin to Samizdat—

Undercover contraband,
Encouraging to outcasts,
Deliberately coded

As a wild-eyed prophecy—
The way Soviet authors
Dressed doubts in science fictions?

Probably unlikely, yet
Allegory’s dangerous
Like that—make your fantasy

Lurid enough, it could be
Still terrifying to times
You’d have never imagined.

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