Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Time Is an Illusionist Unpacking a Dentist’s Toolkit on the Windowsill

Your next moment is always
The sum of the previous
Two. Uh oh. Oh no. Uh, no.

Yet another thing the world
Seems to enjoy pursuing,
Fibonacci sequences

In infinite staircases
Of temporal symplectics.
Hold on there, fractal cowboy.

Yep, this is going to mean something,
But other than that pattern
Helps you predict more patterns,

The rest of the profounder
Meaning is on you. Knowing
You, it’ll be mystical,

Golden, glowing with import.
Knowing this stupid cosmos,
It will just mean more patterns

You’ll find and find meaning in,
Like wasps ovipositing,
Wasps whose meaning dies with you.

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