Sunday, October 23, 2022

Choral Thinking Is for Global Doing

Floral thinking is for local doing.
Auroral thinking is for focal doing.
Moral thinking is for social doing.

Wait. Scratch that last one. Already taken,
Property of moral philosophy
Of the social intuitionist school.

Hopeful thinking is for vocal doing.
Vocal thinking is for hopeful doing.
But now the slant rhymes are losing the plot.

A distinction between aphoristic
And nonsensical can only be kept
Distinctive by hiding their conjunctions.

Aphoral thinking is more for doing
The work of an illusionist, ideas
Appearing like the card you selected,

So you’re incredulous but delighted.
Yes! That’s it! I’ve been sitting thinking this
But never knew it til you affirmed it!

Doggerel thinking is nonsensical,
Since it buffs the bare, gleaming skin of sense.
Scrubbing porous thinking’s all you’re doing.

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