Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Profound Is As Feels Profound

Captain Obvious would like to remind you
It’s a different sort of feeling, this is good,
When you’re counting on things going on this way,

Than when you think the situation’s fleeting.
It’s only since the latter good’s more troubling,
Almost worse than feeling things are briefly bad,

That an advice industry’s sprung up around
Mastering the pretense that you have no clue
Whether this good feeling will end soon or not.

There’s no core metaphysics of the present.
There’s nothing spiritually truer or wise
To feeling like this life you’re living right now

Is as good as forever, ever present,
This clear sunny morning in a parking lot
Under picturesque cliffs in brisk autumn air,

That you know you may have to leave behind soon
For something else you doubt you’ll find as pleasant.
It’s just comforting. So what? Comfort’s profound.

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