Monday, October 24, 2022

Paranormal Gardening

Word is out, more and more
Americans have been
Getting fascinated

With the paranormal—
Spooky places, haunted
Houses, that sort of thing.

So long as you’re taking
Leave of senses, why not
Try some paranormal

Do-it-yourself, a bit
Of landscaping, a bit
Of senseless gardening?

Find an ugly, barren
Patch of ground and bury
Offbeat oddments in it.

A diet, by and large,
Of cake and supplements
Will serve gnomes well, so long

As you don’t get them drunk.
Plant pastries randomly
Among dandelions.

Plant whatever you like.
If everything you plant
Wilts, good, you’ve got fairies

(Faeries, if you’re gothic).
Go gardening at night.
Dig in dirt. Scare yourself.

You will sense the shadows
Dancing all around you.
You will miss every sign.

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