Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ninurta Etc.

Order conquering chaos
Scans as typical for myth,
But we’re still fascinated

By myths endorsing storm gods
As heroes forcing order.
Seems counterintuitive.

Seems storm gods would represent
Chaos more effectively.
Maybe people perceived

The lightning as putting down
The wet, not as part of it,
An interesting perspective.

Imagine lightning fighting
On behalf of settled towns
And farms, attacking the winds,

Waves, and flash floods rising up,
Striking down Leviathan,
The seven-headed waters.

A strange kind of comfort, but
Comforting, nevertheless.
The lightning is on your side!

Of all of the world’s forces,
Co-opting the scariest
As most anthropomorphic

Hero defending humans
Against the shapeless monsters
May have felt brilliant, daring.

Make the terror your hero.
That’s our guy in the mountains.
He’ll win again! We’re with him!

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