Saturday, December 11, 2021

Thank You for Your Contribution

It’s not all illusion.
None of it is. It’s real,
As far as you can know,

Since, obsessed as you are
With what’s real and what’s not,
You sense the obsession

Has to do with the fact
You don’t know what is real.
You don’t know what real is.

Illusion’s invented.
It’s a concept that helps
You set up boundaries

Between other concepts,
Between world and game,
But it unsettles you

To know that the concept
Itself is in the game,
And you get so dizzy

And wonder if you can
Ever tell world from game.
If you can’t, it must mean

It’s all game, illusion.
But you see, if you can’t,
It could mean it’s all real.

Believing there’s a game
And a world, or could be,
Believing it matters

What’s real and what isn’t
Is your contribution
To everything that is.

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