Saturday, December 11, 2021

Systemic Hydra

Unless you try to kill it
Or, you know, starve it to death,
The system’s one of those beasts

That won’t age and die itself.
It’s spooky that way. Monstrous.
No one likes it. No one likes

A beast that won’t fall apart.
No one’s gets called heroic
For supporting the system,

Staying within the system,
Except when playing the spy
Who destroys it from within.

The system’s always system.
God is never a system
Except as part of systems,

Those false gods that must be fought.
Only coaches love systems—
Coaches, gamblers, and grifters.

So let’s bring down the system.
It’s always the damn system,
Never the people in it,

Except in that they’re systems
Of words like that word, system,
Created by life’s systems.

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