Friday, December 17, 2021

Nothing Left in the Shell

Backchanneling between the lines,
Boustrophedon in the daily
Fight against nihilism, which

Means something like, fight against those
Who don’t care or are against us,
Fight against despair in ourselves,

One senses the tics, the waved hand,
The cleared throat, the alternation
Between the intently held gaze

And the sudden looks off, away,
Into space. An animal knows
How to communicate, but text,

Words abandoned, orphaned, alone,
Obviously struggle. Nothing
Is not nothingism. Nothing

Is not nihilism, poor child,
An understanding it can’t say.
It’s terrifying, then, to note

That all of history and most
Of storytelling’s just what’s left
Once the animal’s left the shell.

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