Tuesday, December 28, 2021

You’ll Never Bleed Defiance Dry, Your Own or Any Others’

We will to live forever,
Could go a too-literal
Translation of a Russian
Protester’s hand-lettered sign.

Something in that construction
Is immensely appealing,
More so than the accurate
Gloss, We will live forever.

English, with its puns on will
In overplus, stumbles here
Onto something rather true:
You do will yourselves to live.

Even if there’s no free will,
There’s a furious captive
Will, defiant emotion,
Surge of determination,

However hormonally,
Shackled and predetermined,
Singing in chains like the sea,

And as prone to violence,
To rising up and smashing
The edges of continents,
Brittle crusts hemming it in.

No ocean lives forever,
Nor will any conflict last
Forever, but the caged will
To live continues to rage.

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