Friday, December 31, 2021

Since Nothing Much Happens to You

There’s no weirder property
Of first-person existence
Than how probability

Distorts around specific
Perspective—so many things
Amount to dead certainty

As events that must happen
But that are vanishingly
Unlikely to involve you.

This goes for the good and bad,
Although your biases sense
It’s all biased against you.

Once your life is specified,
All sorts of things disappear
From real possibility

Then happen to someone else—
Things which will and must happen
Inevitably somewhere

To someone. Never to you.
Live a long life and something
Indeed weird may befall you,

Lightning strike or lottery,
And that will be the one time,
Maybe, that what had to be

Had to be you and just you.
Specify anyone else
In advance, in that case, no.

Specify even yourself,
Whom the weird thing happened to,
In advance and also, no,

Not hardly, hardly likely.
Eschews the first-person view,

Which makes it impossible
To comprehend extinction’s
Certainly coming for you.

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