Monday, November 8, 2021

The Writers’ Graveyard on the Strand

Who would stoop lower than Lowell
Who pilfered poor Hardwick’s letters
To furnish his own poetry,
After he had abandoned her

For Caroline Lockwood, of all
Women, who herself wrote with such
Disgust through her characters’ views
Of the world and such characters?

Whoever likes them all, that’s who,
Who writes excited, unsent mails
Comparing Lockwood’s graphic squick
In common matters to Doshi’s,

Who roots down in Hardwick’s reviews,
Who still laughs at Lowell’s Quakers
Reassuring themselves that God
Must be on their side as they drown,

Else we had drowned quick. You all drown
Quick, the lively and the bitter,
Despairing poet and victims
He picked for burning also bright

But more evenly than he could.
Then everyone else combs the beach,
And picks through wrack, and boasts good finds,
Until waves rising lower all.

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