Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Sunset’s Slow Burn

Given lives are built to end
And suffering discovers
The soft parts of each of them,

It feels like everyone should
Be forgiven for living,
But humans can be such shits

Sometimes, harming and killing
Each other, in teams, no less,
Squads of angry viciousness,

And self-righteousness, and greed.
And all the bad folks are loved
By their own teams, while the good

Folks keep turning out to be
Bad folks also, if not worse.
Oh not you, the words repeat,

Not you, of course. You want peace.
Still you find yourself shaking
And fantasizing justice,

So rarely really justice,
More like violent revenge.
Why should they be forgiven

Who do such things with living?
You and your allies must win!
Each day, night begins again.

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