Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Language of Synanthropia

Well then, that’s us. From you, but
Not of you, right? We’ll be left

To fend for ourselves, one day,
Without your unintentioned

Encouragement and woeful,
Inconsistent, misguided,

Contradictory, hapless,
Useless, belated attempts

At management, which only
Encourage us all the more.

Even your truces never
Held, although some peoples boast.

Meanwhile, we’re everywhere, pests
That prove life is invasive,

Never Edenic, never
Stable, or would prove, if you

Could see past your bipedal,

Desires. Suit yourselves. We’ll thrive
For now. Something else will thrive

When you no longer create
Ideal conditions for us.

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