Thursday, November 11, 2021

Moral Outrage and Passionate Tactics

Why fair? Why this obsession?
Why does it make you anxious
And angry? Why do you care?

Mobile, warm, comfortable,
Dry, and alive, the man jokes
As opening monologue,

And you’d probably admit
Those advantages outrank
Mere fairness in misery,

But unfairness of things burns
From toddlers through to elders,
Even if no one agrees

For very far what fairness
Means. It means you win, your team
Wins, or at least don’t lose worse.

Your ancestors invented
Fairness out of resentment,
Striving to keep not losing,

Out of any social means
To position themselves well.
Don’t be surprised you’re unfair,

And you are, and it’s tactics,
Negotiations, win-win,
That rope fairness to its twin.

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