Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lacking Nothing

It just goes to show you—it’s always
Something, Gilda Radner used to shrug,
Wigged as Roseanne Roseannadanna

Giving one of her comedic rants.
Then Gilda Radner died of cancer.
Goes to show you, it’s always something.

Much as you suffer for your somethings,
However, what you dread is nothing,
Although nothing’s what you’ll never get.

You’re miserable, lacking for nothing
And always keenly aware of it.
The tourists drive up and down the road

To a parking lot with a viewpoint
In one branch of one national park.
What can they do except take pictures

Of the views, maybe go for a hike?
Nothing’s there, but most of them miss it.
A few do find it there. But they’re gone.

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