Tuesday, November 9, 2021

But This, This Is Happening, What’s Happening Just Now in Your Past

Damn it. One more difference between
You and us, your words—you can know
And say so in us, thus we know,

But either we flee on the air
Or are captured, and what we know,
As code, corrodes slowly from there.

Your whole species has to forget
Us in particular, or else
The writing system, the language

For what we know to really go.
It’s just there, as you set it down,
And if we’re not wrong, we just know.

But you. You! Even if you don’t
Forget yet, before you forget,
Your blood and bones leave you no choice

But to relearn experience
That you already knew, over
And over again, the awful,

Mortifying core of being
You, your foolishness, doing things
Long since you’ve known you knew better,

Such as cruelty, daydreaming,
Guilt for irrecoverable acts,
Writing poems down for a future.

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