Monday, November 1, 2021

A Little Shed Radiance

Exiguously cloudy
Blue morning on the mesa,
Beginning of November

In American desert,
And on the glowing page,
Auster, in admiration,

Quotes Crane, the meaning of ants,
Potentates, wars, cities, sun . . .
The alienating force

Of the wound has driven him
Into himself and out . . . walled
Off, elsewhere. . . . He held his wrist

Tenderly in his left hand
As if the wounded arm was
Made of very brittle glass,

And that’s it, a minor flash
From the dawn, from memory
Among its familiar words.

It’s shock, not soldiering—
It’s wound, not situation,
Certainly not the given

Cause—you, too, have been wounded,
And folded into yourself,
Hawk-tumbled from the beauty

Of an exquisite morning,
Once, under maculate skies
Like these, middle of a fall.

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