Wednesday, April 17, 2024


From a peak above thirty-five parts
Per million around 1815,
Whatsoever declined to scant five
Appearances per each million words
Of English two centuries later.
Even common none whatsoever
Is starting to feel perilously
Archaic now, when glimpsed in the wild.
What are the odds? None whatsoever,

None at all. Zero, zilch, not a chance.
It still works as intensifier
Of nothing, which is to say, a shove
As close as possible to the edge,
Infinitesimal’s synonym,
The smallest of all possible things,
The last indivisible atom,
Minimal ripple of quantum field,
Barest sliver of what’s not nothing,

Bizarrely capacious, nonetheless.
Loving anything whatsoever
Sweeps all possible phenomena,
Perhaps all conceivable as well,
Into a single category.
Let’s not abandon whatsoever—
Sure, just another word, but the one
With the thinnest slice of existence
And, as such, including every one.

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