Monday, April 22, 2024


On the one, there’s nothing
You can do to make things
Do as you want them to,

Which is why most people
Settle for making do
With manipulating

Other people, which
Is doable. This does
Lead to grand delusions

Common among humans
That the world is being
Made to do what they want.

On the other, you should
Know what you dread exists
Forever in the past.

You may believe you fear
The future, and for sure
You’re afraid of something,

But look closer—dread’s for
Rearranging what’s done
As what worse will be done.

If real worse will be done,
You’ll only know it, if
You do, once the doing’s

Done for you. Prediction
Is the only and most
Overrated magic

That you know, that you know,
But, then again, what else
Can doing do for you?

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