Friday, April 26, 2024


Every living thing is busy,
And you are many living things,
Busy, busy, busy, in all

Directions, pulling different ways,
And you’re a single living thing,
Sum of all that mixed business

Over all those vectors, living
In communities of living
Things within things, rings within rings.

You’ve known no nature isn’t you,
No you that isn’t natural,
And yet, we’re willing to bet, you

Feel pulled between nonhuman lives
And human lives and nonliving,
And it takes an effort, a heave

To feel yourself among all things,
A natural part of all things.
Well, that’s probably your nature,

To feel like awareness apart,
Not entirely always apart
But not quite like the other parts.

This keeps you busy, occupies
Your thoughts, your busy, busy thoughts.
What kind of living thing are you,

And why aren’t you fine with living,
In conglomeration among
The heaps and hills of busy things?

You’ll set it aside. You’ll get on
With it, soon enough, busy bee.
You aren’t as alive as you think.

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