Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Ouija No Hands

This is a new invention,
With a simpler interface.
It not only names itself,

It will rapidly spell out
Its whole history for you—
Roman coins, Saxon abbey,

A martyr’s bury, as in
Burg, borough, not burial,
Louise, wine-merchant’s daughter,

Who, when little, called herself
Wee-da, later her penname,
Ouida, popular writer,

Her image in a locket
Worn by Helen Nosworthy
The night in 1890

Helen held a seance with
Her brother-in-law’s new game,
A talking board with planchette

He was meaning to patent,
During which the board was asked
What the board thought its name was,

And it then spelled out OUIJA,
Sort of matching the locket
And the author from Bury.

You never had to touch it,
Did you? Ideomotor
Effects be damned, this new board

Only requests that you ask
Whatever you want to know.
So far, it’s mastered the past,

And holds all your dead in it,
But it knows you really want
Prediction—working on that.

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