Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Inestimable Worth

What’s the exact tie between
Meaning and value? Something
In which you have invested

Meaning has value to you,
But you may well understand
That value as personal,

Hazily non-fungible,
Meaningful only to you,
A sentimental value.

What if you are meaningful?
If many people see you
As having been important,

Items to which you attach
No value, but that are yours,
Associated with you,

Can be valued, tradeable,
To the point of capital.
Information, nonetheless,

Like implication, differs
From meaning’s value.
Information has its own

Fluctuating capital,
Not the same as a keepsake,
Something that’s held dear, precious.

So, we’re not any closer,
Really, to understanding,
How much value meaning makes,

If value scales with meaning,
And how much motivation
Can measure meaning’s value.

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