Monday, April 15, 2024


They went in search of the one
Who was doing everything.

Everyone else doing things
Were being done by that one.

The cruelest laws, the bombs,
The engineering projects,

Waltzes under chandeliers,
Shopping trips to big box stores,

The small worship services,
Selling fish by the roadside,

Blue TVs at 3am,
Furtive sex in the bushes,

And not just the human things,
However rare or common,

The weather patterns, the waves
Rushing up over the rocks,

All of it, the whole planet,
Maybe more, beyond listing—

Beyond even suggesting—
They went in search of that one.

They’d been given a hot tip.
Look for permanent sleeping,

Not comatose but dreaming,
Someone constantly dreaming.

And another tip—listen
For a communication

That you feel inside of you,
A still small voice to talk with.

So off they went, listening,
And answering, and seeking

For the one who was dreaming
Everything into being,

Everything they were doing,
All of it, even their tips.

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