Sunday, August 27, 2023

Other Magical Beliefs

Supernatural, paranormal,
Scriptural—when you observe your world
Do you sense some unseen agency?

Are all the patterns you see a scrim
For some theatrical puppetry?
Is any other species maddened

By its awareness that its senses
Are necessarily limited?
The madness is imagination

Is limited, too, by memory,
And memory by experience
And its unstable storage systems.

So, you’re sure that something must be there,
But what is that something? An agent,
Agents, some sort of social beings

With intentions (you have intentions)
And rich communication systems
(You have communication systems),

But invisible, behind the scenes,
Mysterious, given many things
Are mysterious—thus the agents

Behind them must be mysterious.
The mysterious part is the key.
Supernatural explanations

Are rarely posited in cases
Of the banal and most obvious,
Such as that your cup of coffee cooled

After you left it on the counter.
Maybe God invented entropy,
Maybe there are spirits of cooling.

The possibilities for other
Magical beliefs are limitless
In number, if not diversity.

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