Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Beliefs Are Post-Colonial

Sin traveled from Ur to Harran,
The Buddha from Balkh to Chang’an,

Christ everywhere from Bethlehem,
Faiths dragging their holy names with them.

Don’t you love that word, faith? Belief
Doesn’t suggest the same release

From the urge to stay rational.
Faith’s ruthless, aspirational—

Those who have it still pursue it
While afraid they could still lose it.

Faith is belief with less reason,
More trust, more longing, more meaning.

Belief keeps the temples open,
Keeps the old, soothing prayers spoken,

But faith is a god on the move,
Colonial, won’t be refused,

Drags Buddha from Balkh to Chang’an,
The Moon God from Ur to Harran.

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