Saturday, August 19, 2023

Never Sing about Supper When Singing for Your Supper

Songs are mostly for wanting,
Wanting back, regretting, or
Changing the locks on the door.

I want you. I want you back.
Why did I ever want you?
I don’t want you anymore.

There’s the bulk of the billboard.
There are other traditions,
Of course, but just how other?

The hymn hankering for God,
The shih for the departed,
The flyting against a foe—

Each just another other,
Wanted, unwanted, wanted
Back, the way things were before.

Life itself’s mostly longing
But not so much for others.
Where are the hit songs wanting

Good food, sound sleep, or safety?
Who sings for the health and wealth
That dominate temple prayers?

Lyrically, song’s just love song
Of one sort or another.
However sung to the self,

Singing is for the troubles
Everyone has with others,
Wanting, regretting others.

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