Monday, August 7, 2023

Inherently Maggoty Universe

The possibility of seeds
Must be inherently within
The whole of the cosmos, or else

How could seeds have evolved on Earth?
That doesn’t mean the whole cosmos
Must be seedlike. Parasitic

Viruses also must have been
Inherent in the possible
Phenomena of the cosmos

For them to have infected life.
It doesn’t mean the universe
Is parasitic at its core.

So too with beetles, mosquitoes,
Horses, and whales. So too with
Humans and human consciousness.

But when you say that consciousness
Is inherent in the cosmos,
You can’t resist the temptation

To claim the cosmos is conscious,
Is consciousness all the way down.
Why not beetles all the way down,

Or echolocation, or fear?
All those must have been inherent
Along with your prized consciousness.

The universe is capable,
Tautologically, of all things
Encountered in the universe,

So let’s settle down now, shall we?
That the cosmos manifested
Selfhood doesn’t make cosmic self.

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