Friday, April 15, 2022

The Lotos Gifts

If we, the revenants
Of an embodied mind
Composed of many minds,

Could do one thing for you
The living, all of you,
While you slept, overnight,

Or at any moment
Of your difficult lives,
We would remove the pain

Of living completely,
Exchanging all of it
For simple contentment,

Contentment for all lives,
All at once, regardless,
Complete absence of dread,

Peaceful and satisfied.
Yes, every life would die,
Most a lot more swiftly

Than otherwise, and yes,
Soon there’d be no more life.
But you’d die contented,

All of you contented
And not in any pain,
Who will die anyway

Striving to stay alive
Despite life’s pains to make
Lives strive. We’d gift good byes.

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