Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April’s Green

War poets often
Write about nature
In their muddy hells,

Whether as soldiers
Or trapped civilians,
Since other species

Seem so insistent
On going about
Their activities

In war’s rare corners
Of quiet, while bombs
Rain and mines vomit

Death and destruction
One species intends
To aim at itself.

How could nature be
So routine, how could
Nature carry on

Through gnashing metal,
Self-devouring hell?
How could spring divide,

Still, her storks and cranes
Among us? How could
The poppies blossom?

For other species
War is every day
With humans blooming

Roads, cranes, and airports,
Power lines, barbed wire
Fencing, walls, strip malls.

For them it’s just not
That different when
Humans bomb humans.

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