Sunday, April 17, 2022


If it weren’t for detours
Who’d complete any tours?
Set this aside and think.

You think about your life
For a minute. We’ll wait.
Now that you’re back, tell us,

What was that all about?
Decades after you read
About a place you longed

To visit and ended
Up living in two years,
You find yourself reading

At home, and it comes up,
That place that you escaped
To for two years, then left.

So it was a detour,
And everything a loop
Around it, from the time

You first read about it,
Magic, to this time now
When you read about it,

Memory, one great loop,
Commodius vicus
Commute, or everything

Else has been a detour,
And here you are reading
About a dream again.

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