Thursday, April 28, 2022


Things can build so quietly—
The weight within a pencil
Balanced on a table’s edge—

Or is it the pencil’s tilt,
Imperceptible until
It’s enough, and it topples,

Like Britain’s monasteries
Once Henry went after them,
Like the Soviet Union

Once the slow hemorrhaging
Started to gush? Tipping points
Are a popular cliché

These days, too easily claimed.
If you can declare one’s reached
Before the tumble happens,

You’re mislabeling something,
And only coincidence
May confirm a lucky guess.

A star can burn peacefully
Half the life of the cosmos,
Then rupture in a few nights—

The rates at which change changes
Say more than the transitions—
The scale is monstrously broad.

Every little change creates
The day disaster swifter
Than thought says, Now change faster!

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