Wednesday, April 13, 2022

That’s the Ticket

There’s only a brief passage
In human life history,
Typically, when you’re willing

To consider change as good
In general, in itself.
This stage varies by onset

And duration, but mostly
Brackets the ages between
Physical adolescence

And earlyish adulthood.
Aside from those years, you may
Well wish for some kinds of change,

But they’re finite, specific,
Stipulated in advance,
Like a lottery ticket—

These are the changes you’ve picked.
Then other numbers come up,
Changes you don’t want, changes

You didn’t think could happen,
Could never have imagined.
And you’re bitter. You complain.

The world is going to hell.
Everything was better then,
Except for what should have changed.

The seas are boiling. The wars
Are where wars shouldn’t happen.
Those in one another’s arms

Are all wrong, are disgusting,
And everything is dying.
Nothing will be good again,

Unless you can be the change
You stipulate should happen.
Could happen. Changes happen.

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