Friday, December 3, 2021

Three Twenty Three

Probability is only
A measure of you, your human
Memory, your uncertainty.

Say you wake up in complete dark.
It’s some time of the local night.
You could check your watch, but you don’t.

The room has no clock. Lie awake.
Take deep breaths and count them. You’ve set
An alarm for the usual

Time. Your watch knows what time it is.
You set it the same time each night.
Are you awake early or late?

Is the alarm close to chiming?
Probably close. You’re used to it,
But you were up just a bit late.

Your watch has failed to chime before.
Maybe you’ve overslept a bit.
You count in the dark and predict,

But all the while it’s exactly
Whatever time it is. Predict
All you want, you will or won’t fit.

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