Monday, December 13, 2021

Ten Equations of Twenty Variables

We cannot solve them for you
But we can enumerate
As much as you’ve constructed

And can mess around with names.
We know the real geniuses
Simplify, eliminate

Bumps like galaxies, mountains,
Gaps like black holes and canyons,
The better to sense the whole.

But we’re still stuck at counting,
Weirded out by manyness,
Hanging out under the trees

In this ravine. We sit dazed
Among the intricacies,
With respect for modeling

But lacking that elegant
Skill for simplifying things.
If there’s many anything,

No pattern can escape it.
Generalities obtain
Everywhere, each reaching

To some particular range
Where it acquires too many
False predictions, too many

Inaccuracies, giant
Arcs of details escaping
Every rule but gravity.

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