Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Far and Fast but Not Too Much

A thousand years ago,
Two thousand years ago,
The world’s end, allegro

Ma non troppo, even
Then was just on the tip
Of many tongues, and now

It seems ridiculous
To imagine that world
Made of peasant farmers

And horseback canterers
Could have been imagined
As end of everything.

The end of everything,
Everything important,
The world as you know it,

Is always on the tip
Of your tongue because you
Strive to remember it,

That thing you know you know,
That, whoever you are,
Your whole world ends with you.

Allegra ma non troppo,
Your life, it does burn quick,
But not too much, it doesn’t.

You can’t overshoot it.
You can only live it,
Farming and galloping,

Never reaching the end,
Watching your horizon
Forever approaching.

One thousand years ago,
Two thousand years ago.
Think back, ma non troppo.

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