Thursday, September 5, 2024

You’re the Last Frost

She said her father said
To her on his death bed
And then laughed, We were all

Just horse thieves anyway.
One of her listeners
Enjoyed the anecdote

But was fascinated
By the unintended
Pun in, You’re the last Frost.

Something ominous stirred
In that phrase. While the thin
Edge of changing climates

Pressed various places,
Surely some place would soon
See its last snow, its last

Blizzard, the last hard freeze,
The last frost for the years,
Maybe millenniums,

To come. Finality
Rustled its trailing skirts
On the floor of the mind.

End of a line or end
Of a global era,
It’s not the end itself

That haunts the empty house,
But the thought that the end
Will never be undone.

The anecdotes moved on.
Other stories were told.
Each was anything but

The final one, although
What couldn’t be undone
Somehow left one undone.

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