Friday, September 6, 2024

Dreams Are Feints and Misdirections

For yourself, iIt dawns on you,
You suffer far more conflict
In dreams than in waking life,

Far more. But are dreams the source
Or the storage? Once again,
The question no one’s answered

To others’ satisfaction
Is, What exactly’s the point
Of all this activity

In the resting body’s brain?
The intensity of dreams,
Even more than their nonsense,

Doesn’t fit explanations
Of health or prophecy well,
Although such explanations

Are plentiful, each of them
With its ardent champions.
You sleep. You survive more dreams,

None of which are true killers.
You wake, rattled, to a day
That will be, for most of you,

Much calmer than your dreaming,
And yet it’s one day, dull day,
That’s going to have to kill you.

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