Monday, August 19, 2024

Nothing Must Mean Something by It

We needed the snow
That couldn’t be real,
The snow that started
As just a rumor,

Not in the forecast,
Or at least not tracked,
Sneaking up on us
Omen by omen,

The way no weather
Can sneak up these days—

There’s snow moving in.
The clouds are sinking.
The first flakes will fall
Before the fall ends,

But this will be no
Ordinary storm
Signaling the start
Of winter season—

This will violate
The laws of climate.
It will shift in tense—
Past, future, present.

We needed the snow
That had to persist,
That had no sure source,
That would continue.

Aren’t you ready yet?
Haven’t you stockpiled
Food, water, and books,
Fuel of every sort?

Strong gusts will move in.
Stray flakes will begin.
You’ll watch the snow pile
That won’t ever end.

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