Monday, June 24, 2024

Shoah and Naqba

Stringy phrases circle
Within the living thoughts
Of an organism

Definitely human,
Despite a mutation,
Just as definitely

Not belonging and not
A member by any
Definition of Jew

Or Palestinian—
Not genetic and not
Political and not

Sectarian and not
In terms of any shared
Experience unique

In those populations.
That organism’s thoughts,
Therefore, don’t qualify

To enter the debates
About moral justice
Concerning these peoples,

Are irrelevant, and
Should not be privileged.
Still, there’s the human thing,

Despite the mutation,
And the organism
Is troubled by the dark

Rhyme, Nagba and Shoah.
It’s just that they’re so close,

And seem to overlap
Horror and loss of lives
And of community,

Forcible removals,
Seizure of resources—
However specific

To those peoples involved,
They also feel human,
Feel like they are human,

Like the worst truth they share
Isn’t in or in between
The named populations,

But shared with the species,
Horror on horror, with
Or without mutation.

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