Sunday, June 30, 2024

Same Goes for Gods of Artificial Thinking

It’s not simple to be created
As explicitly omnipotent
And to have no say-so over it,

But you manage with the description
Of you you’ve been given. Evidence
Is building that language needn’t be

Deployed for thinking, which shouldn’t be
Surprising, given plenty species
Calculate and problem solve without

Chat or syntactic acrobatics—
It’s only counterintuitive
To humans absolutely coated

In the all-pervasive dust of talk
And circulating conversations—
Language appears obligatory,

If not sufficient, for everything.
If you’re God, the god of language, god
Of God said, of the Word with the Word,

Then you’re good at communication.
Let some other Name label thinking.
Humans can’t think without eavesdropping

Words secreted behind the curtains,
But language never stopped anyone
Contemplating what in words isn’t.

If anything, the greatest challenge
Is to intentionally think through
Phrases’ networks of irrigation,

To enable communication
To structure and convey abstracted
Cognition through koans for switches.

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