Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Reluctant Idealist

Ideals aren’t naive;
They’re tricksters. Justice
Could be much improved,

But ideal justice
Fuels injustices.
Humanity needs

Real community
To survive and thrive,
But idealized

Communities trap
Unwary victims
In viscous amber.

Will scold reluctance
To salute ideals,

Scold up to the point
Of ostracizing
Or imprisoning

Or executing
The too-reluctant,
Which soon makes for more

Idealists bent
On rectifying
What idealists did.

Oh, there are sinners,
Grifters, and cynics
Who can be wicked

Lacking all ideals.
You don’t need ideals
To do awful things.

Ideals can subtly
Grease the skids, that’s all.
Ideals aren’t naive.

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