Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Perpetually and Forever

In a bookstore in Mahwah,
Not far from where Johnny went
Looking for a job once but

Nevermind, there was a slim
Paperback of poetry
Titled, A Coney Island

Of the Mind. This was forty,
Forty-some years ago, now.
The book looked interesting,

The tumbling sprawl of the poems,
More disorderly than verse,
Way too much white space for prose.

The book wound up on a shelf
And then another shelf and
Then another, in this state

And that apartment, that state
And that and that apartment,
In and out of old boxes,

Until the pages yellowed
And were last seen in storage
Somewhere in southwest Utah.

And all those decades, Lawrence
Was still living and waiting
For his typewriter to write

The great indelible poem,
Living and waiting his whole
Century, and now he’s gone.

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