Monday, March 18, 2024

Boundary Condition

Below even the beggar,
The pauper, the utterly
Destitute and low, Patrick

Joyce itemized the Polish
Peasantry categories.
Between beggar and pauper,

What could have been the difference?
Permission to go begging?
In England, a pauper held

The special legal standing,
The in forma pauperis,
Therefore not charged legal fees,

Pauper’s root, in any case,
Shared with poor, the pre-Latin
*pau-paros, little bringing,

Producing next to nothing.
The body of the pauper
Summing all the pauper’s worth,

Which only goes to show you
What creatures of surpluses
Human beings have become.

Tigers and moths are paupers,
As is the oak in the field,
The lizard in the courtyard.

Maybe ants and honeybees
With their storage colonies
Aren’t paupers, but aren’t they, though?

All the workers in service
All their lives to their systems,
What are they but worn bodies?

The pack rat on its midden
Is no pauper, but offers
No surplus trades to others.

Pauper, very poor person,
Died a pauper, buried in
A pauper’s grave, having lived

Like a pauper, dependent
Entirely on charity,
Not even able to beg.

There’s no dignity to it,
None at all, just misery,
But in the extremity

Of the word itself, pauper,
Dark, gate-keeping quality,
Human being boundary.

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