Sunday, November 26, 2023

Shadow Puppet

Unimpressed by the body
Of your soul, as Wilde called it,
In a catchy line you love

And have loved for decades now,
The one that goes, what men call
The shadow of the body

Is not the shadow of the
Body, but is the body
Of the soul, which is stupid,

You’ve been building a shadow
Of your own, an alternate
To the usual dimmed light

Mistaken for a darkness
The obscuring body throws,
A real shadow for your soul.

Where others might write fiction
Or attempt to show bright truth,
You’ve had your fun pretending

That the fiction of a soul
Could project some dimmer truths
Through these material codes

That cultures make of language—
Ink, print, bits, recorded voice—
All densely compacted waves,

Decaying but more slowly,
You hope, than your flickering
Shadow, the embodied soul.

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