Saturday, November 11, 2023

Miraculous Revelations

When was it they realized,
Or just started suspecting,
That either the rules had changed

Or they’d lost their sanity?
How could they collectively
Lose their sanity? Rules don’t

Change, not the laws of nature.
So, even though they’d believed,
Or said they’d had, in magic,

Miracles, and mysteries,
In some kind of divine plan
That transcended everything,

It took an awful long time
For them to accept the change
Once it began. They couldn’t

All be mad. Nature itself,
Almost by definition,
Couldn’t be unnatural.

So when gaps started breaking
Through the fabric, here and there,
They worked hard to ignore them,

Then carefully studied them
For plausible origins,
Then, in desperation, said

Rips amounted to the proof
This was a simulation.
But those rips in nothing much

Kept opening on nothing,
People and things falling in,
While cults tried to explain them,

Worship them, leap into them
In search of a Promised Land.
One group simply decided

This was what had always been,
A solid world with weak seams
Through which things kept vanishing.

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