Thursday, February 10, 2022

Your Words Go Out at Night

When people first step outside
They want to shout, they want to
Recite something. They want to

Use their outside voices, not
Only because now they can,
But since the world calls them out,

Reminds them, even in small
Towns quiet after midnight
And dark, people used to be,

Regardless of current tribe,
Language, beliefs, ornaments,
The first apes of open grass,

Small-bodied and probably
Cave or rock-shelter loving
Even then, to be sure, but

Daring bipedal primates
Out in carnivore country—
Daring, social, and vocal

As hell. Step outside at night
Somewhere empty with clear skies
And feel that bit of terror

That gut temptation to talk,
To quote something of your own,
To give praise if you’re like that,

To announce your infected,
Edible self to the night,
Using words, your words, outside.

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